Application Fee: $75 for the first child, $60 per each additional child in the same family, due upon submission of application for waiting list
Enrollment Fee: $400 per year per child, due at time of enrollment
First Payment of the school year: due July 1st - includes First Semester Tuition or Entire Year Tuition and Annual Fees (for activities, foods, music, Spanish, fine arts)
Pay Semester 1 OR Entire Year by July 1 and receive a discount of 2% for the semester or 3% for the entire year. There is no discount on annual fees.
Monthly Tuition payment arrangements can be made if needed. Please contact the office to discuss.
Payments accepted by Cash, Check, or Credit Card. All credit and debit card payments will be charged a 4% processing fee.
Click here to make a tuition payment online: Web Payments